
Roche Pharma (Switzerland) Ltd

Roche Pharma (Switzerland) Ltd is the Swiss national subsidiary of Roche and its approximately 160 employees are responsible for ensuring that patients in Switzerland have access to Roche's innovative portfolio of medicines. The focus of the therapeutic areas is on oncology, rheumatology, pneumology, neurology, ophthalmology and rare diseases. In 2021, around 156,000 patients in Switzerland were treated with a Roche medicine.

In order for a medicine to be successfully brought to the patient, a large number of activities are necessary on the part of Roche Pharmaceuticals Switzerland. These include, for example, the monitoring of clinical trials, the application for approval with the authorities, scientific documentation, the provision of medical information, marketing, registration and quality assurance, pricing, and also distribution, including packaging and package inserts.

In order to exploit the possibilities of modern medicine for the benefit of all patients, Roche works closely with other players in the healthcare system. Personalised medicine will play a key role here in the future. As a leading pharmaceutical company in this field, we rely on our unique combination of diagnostics, medicines, and data analytics and work closely with our colleagues at Roche Diagnostics.

For 125 years, we have been committed to improving people's lives. This motivates and drives us to do our best every day. Our commitment goes far beyond the development of innovative diagnostics and therapeutics. Our greatest contribution to patients and society is sustainable innovation, true to our motto "better outcomes for more patients faster".

Roche Pharma (Switzerland) Ltd - your contact in the Swiss market for our pharmaceutical products.

Our Roche Pharma Switzerland leadership team


Grenzacherstrasse 124
4058 Basel


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