

Oncology is the science of the origin and development of cancer and deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of malignant tumors.

In Switzerland, over 58’000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year and around 20’000 die from this disease. The most common tumor types in Switzerland are carcinomas of the breast, prostate, intestine and lung. The number of new cases is increasing for demographic reasons, as the population is getting older. However, the chances of survival are improving due to continuous improvements in diagnosis and therapy, such as cancer research, which in particular at Roche, has made enormous progress over the past 60 years.

Roche has been active in the field of oncology since the 1950s and has since achieved groundbreaking innovations in oncology. Important achievements have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, but much remains to be done to combat this disease. One of the most important findings of research is that cancer, which used to be treated as a single disease, is now a collective term for over 250 different types of cancer. These all differ in their behavior, growth rate and progression. Several cancers and subtypes are difficult to treat and there is great disparity in treatment outcomes.

This is why Roche is constantly striving to further research and develop new cancer therapies to raise current standards of care and improve patients' quality of life. 

At Roche, we are proud to contribute to the development of innovative diagnostics and medicines, but we know that we cannot fight cancer alone. To be successful, we work with our partners, such as oncologists and professional societies. These partnerships are critical to driving scientific progress, delivering transformative impact and ensuring that every person gets the healthcare they need. Because life-changing medicines are only useful if they reach those who need them.

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