An ecosystem for Health Data: Benefits for patients and research

Dr. med. Katharina Gasser explains Roche's collaboration with partner institutions such as universities and hospitals. The aim is to jointly build an ecosystem for healthcare data. Such an ecosystem has the potential to increase the efficiency of the healthcare system and provide better care for patients.

Roche has various collaborations with different institutions. In Switzerland, there is an interesting program with the University Hospital Zurich and the University of Zurich, in which data from patients with certain tumor diseases are evaluated - the so-called Precision Oncology Program. This means that patients receive the right therapy and treatment, as extensive data is analyzed specifically for them.

Sharing data helps to identify disease patterns, start therapies earlier and improve the supply of medicines to patients. Roche is not interested in individual data, but in anonymized and aggregated data in order to identify patterns and gain new insights. Naturally, the legal basis and data protection are guaranteed. It is extremely important to us that data is only used for specific questions.

We are convinced that this research will help future patients. The aim is to build an ecosystem for Health Data in which different stakeholders such as doctors, institutions and hospitals can work together and use the data for research purposes. Companies such as Roche could have access to this data within strict data protection regulations. This wealth of data could be used to gain new insights that could advance academic research in Switzerland and ultimately create added value for patients by developing new therapies.

An ecosystem for Health Data has many advantages. Patients can be diagnosed earlier and treated better, and researchers gain access to Health Data to develop innovative therapies. It also increases the efficiency of the healthcare system. Early diagnosis and successful therapies lead to cost savings and a more efficient healthcare system in Switzerland.

One example is Finland, which has managed to set up such a data system in the healthcare sector. The state provides a legal framework with clear conditions on how Health Data must be handled. Both researchers and those affected benefit from this. Finland could serve as a blueprint for setting up a similar data system in Switzerland.

About the person

Katharina is an experienced physician and leader. After completing her medical studies, she worked in the fields of internal medicine and geriatrics, where she gained practical experience and supervised clinical studies. Her career path then led her into the healthcare industry, where she held various leadership positions over many years at several pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, operating both in Switzerland and with a global focus. During this time, she acquired extensive knowledge in drug development, commercialization, and strategic leadership.

Since September 2022, Katharina has been the General Manager of Roche Pharma Switzerland. With a strong commitment to digitalization in healthcare, she contributes to innovation and efficiency improvements. Katharina is dedicated to actively shaping the Swiss healthcare system and further developing it as one of the most innovative and best in the world. She is the President of the Zug Chamber of Commerce and serves on the board of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce.

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